Welcome to the blog site of All Souls, Umhlali

We are an Anglican Church situated on the Dolphin Coast,
north of Durban in Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa.

We are about start building a new church
this blog will tell the story as it unfolds.

Please travel with us as a Follower and support us
your prayers and encouragement would be most welcome.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Saturday 27th November 2010

At last the main roof is underway!
This is a great relief as it has been hanging over our heads (excuse the terrible pun!) for too long. Now, the roof is designed and has been accepted by all those who know about these things; it has been fabricated and delivered, and on Tuesday the crane arrived to lift the trusses up onto the wall-plates.
Slowly, slowly the bracing is being put in place and, hopefully, by the end on this next week the tiles will be in place and the roof completed.

The next roof that has to be worked on is the link roof over the toilets. It has to be especially built on site as it has some crazy angles and pitches.

Inside the kitchen/coffee shop/entrance/office part of the building the ceilings have been put in place and the carpenter is now installing the tongue-and-groove ceiling in the entrance. The door frames have been delivered and will be fitted this coming week.
Work has also started on the veranda posts - watch for the next set of photos!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

11th November 2010

Last Sunday (7th) we celebrated our first service in the new (roofless) church!
It was a wonderful occasion filled with expectation and excitement.
The first of us arrived at 5.30am and started sweeping and cleaning the floor, moving sound equipment, chairs, tables, all the stuff for the kitchen (tea, coffee etc.) pew leaflets, etc, etc from the church office to the church. The music group arrived at 6.00 and set up before Johnny P. arrived to connect up the electricity from the main box. He had already wired and tested all the plug points that we would need, but it was with great joy that we turned on the urn in the kitchen and the little red light came on! How Anglican - that the first thing to draw power through the new system was the urn for tea!
The music group was soon in action and practising the music for the service.
Next came the welcomers and then little by little the congregation arrived, each carrying their chairs. Cindy Jarnig watching from the front of the church with the music group, told me how wonderful it was to see the expectation on the happy faces of the people as they arrived.
The altar and lectern (a music stand) were set up at the front and by 8.00 we were ready.
Just before we started I asked the congregation of 165 to give me a wave - here they are!

What an amazing service!
Singing with joy and celebration
Sharing the Word and the Peace
Sharing in the Eucharist

And then we went through to the coffee shop for tea - the ladies had provided masses of egg sandwiches and cakes - and I think that everyone stayed! Denis Fortune did a roaring business at his veggie table, selling freshly picked (that morning!)vegetables. People stood and chatted or wandered around having a look at the buildings and the entrance.
They loved it all!

Here are a few pictures taken by Ann Duane