Welcome to the blog site of All Souls, Umhlali

We are an Anglican Church situated on the Dolphin Coast,
north of Durban in Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa.

We are about start building a new church
this blog will tell the story as it unfolds.

Please travel with us as a Follower and support us
your prayers and encouragement would be most welcome.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

30th June 2010

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30th June 2010

OK - you can breathe again!!!!!!

Yesterday afternoon Bishop Rubin had a meeting with Bill van Dongen (our Churchwarden), regarding other parish business, and passed on all the submission documents and plans which he had signed. We are on our way!

Now we need to get the docs to Angela (the architect) so that she can prepare them for the Muncipality (the plans need to be coloured in).
Over the weekend Mike Jahnig will sign the engineering sections.
And then the whole lots goes into the Municipality for approval.
There are varying stories about how long approval takes, but apparently permission to start the earthworks can be given quickly.
Now we lots of prayer please!

Meanwhile out on the site things are happening fast.
Peter Berkely is doing a great job moving forward with the preliminary stuff - ordering the storage and accomodation containers and supervising the three youngsters who are clearing the grass and scrub from the building site. We have bought a new 'Springkaan' - a three wheeled industrial mower which chows through the undergrowth with amazing speed - and with this and the bush-cutter the site will soon be cleared.
Peter also discovered that heavy-duty paving blocks were being sold off at a local development site at a fraction of their normal cost, so bought 400 sq. metres of them ... it all makes savings!
Rob Wacher is erecting the electric fence and has reached more-or-less the half-way mark.

Financially, we are so humbled as folk drop off cheques and make deposits into our bank account.
How the Lord is blessing us!
Please pray that we keep our eyes on Him and that every cent is spent in the way He wants it spent.

Please keep the Project Team in your prayers - John Cook, Angela Plekker, Peter Berkeley and Keith Duane.

Friday, June 25, 2010

25th June 2010

Submission documents safely delivered to the Diocesan office.
Tracy, the Bishop's secretary, will call when they have been signed - Monday/Tuesday?

Thursday, June 24, 2010

24th June 2010

So here we are bowling along at a good pace!
The fence is being erected the normal cost and that is moving smootly.
Peter heard that the 400 sq. meters of pavers at the site of Seaton Delaval were up for grabs at 25% of their cost, so we have invested in them for the 'skirts' of the building.

John Cook has been spending time with Angela Plekker preparing all the submission documents for the Municipality. Tomorrow they will be taken to the Bishop's office for signature, and next week they will be submitted.

It is coming together!
Keep trusting!
Unless the Lord builds the house ....

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

22nd June 2010 - Confession time

I have to confess that the frustrations have been getting to me and I fear that in expressing them I have been very negative.
This morning I wrote this prayer which I share with you. Orginally it was written in the first person, but I changed it to include us all.

Today Lord we say “Enough”

Enough of allowing Satan to ‘white ant’ us
Enough of allowing ourselves to be the victim
Enough of seeing this wonderful, faithful part of God’s Kingdom being frustrated

Enough of wanting our timing
Enough of making our plans

Enough of seeing the Bishop and the Trustees in a negative light
Enough of seeing the bureaucratic failings of the local Municipality
Enough of seeing the human-ness of those who let us down

Enough of allowing the negatives to quench the Holy Spirit

Enough of simply saying “Unless the Lord builds the house ...”
From today we live it

Less of us Lord
More of You

21st June 2010 - A phone call from the Bishop

Bishop Rubin called this morning.
He has asked me to fax the signed undertakings to him and assured me that they will be ‘for his eyes only’.
He also would like me to fax a copy of the schedule of fees we received from the Municipality.
He agrees that the submission to the Municipality must happen as soon as possible as he wants us to get going as soon as possible. When the plans and submission documents are ready I must take them to his home and he will sign them. (John Cook tells me that Angela’s office will only have them ready by Thursday, so I will arrange to see Bishop Rubin on Friday).
Bishop Rubin explained to me why it was that the Trustees needed to have assurances regarding the financing of the project – citing cases where parishes had failed in their building projects through a lack of funds.

We finished the conversation confirming that I would send him the documents and take him the submission documents and plans for his signature. I asked him whether the delegation would still be necessary, and he said that he did not think so, repeating that he wants the project to go ahead as soon as possible.

Monday, June 21, 2010

21st June 2010 - What an amazing parish!!!!

As you, dear reader, can imagine there has been much disappointment in the parish.
However, the emotion has been quickly dealt with, the wisdom of the Trustees understood and action has been taken.

Our response to the Trustees’ concerns:
a) The submission fees to Kwadukuza Municipality.
I have in my possession a photocopy of the fees structure of the Kwadukuza Municipality, which includes an item “Any Place of Worship where permission has been granted for public assembly and where buildings are used for worship purposes ...... No charge”
This photocopy was obtained by John Cook from the Kwadukuza Municipality last Friday morning.

b) The R605,000.00 to be raised within the parish.
Bill van Dongen reported back to the parish at both the 7.00am and 9.00am services yesterday morning.
By yesterday evening Bill and I had received the following -

i. A signed undertaking from a parishioner to cover any shortfall not exceeding R450,000.00;
ii. An signed undertaking from a parishioner to cover any shortfall not exceeding R170,000.00;
These undertakings total R620,000.00, which is R15,000.00 in excess of the amount required.
iii. Five pledges from parishioners totalling R350,000.00, which will be deposited in our account by the end of the month;
iv. One pledge of R200,000.00 which will be paid into our account when the funds are required;

This means that, apart from the two undertakings to cover the overall shortfall in full, we have raised R550,000.00, leaving a sum of R55,000.00 to be raised from the rest of the parish. I am sure that you will agree with me that in view of the generosity of a few in the space of one day, this amount will be raised very quickly.

What a blessing!

I have written a letter to the Bishop and, please Lord, the permission to start the project will be forthcoming.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

17th June 2010

At 8.30pm this evening I received a call from Robin Greenwood – the Diocesan Administrator.
Bishop Rubin asked him to call me to inform me of the Diocesan Trustees’ decision regarding our building project.

The Trustees have NOT approved our project as they have concerns which they wish to raise with us.

A delegation led by Bishop Nkosinathi and including Robin and two other trustees will come to the parish to meet with the project team and discuss the two concerns they have –
a) The funding of the R605,000 shortfall, and
b) The cost of submitting the plans to the Municipality.

The delegation has been charged to help us resolve the concerns and report back to the next meeting of the Diocesan Trustees which will meet on the 26th August.

I asked Robin whether, as the concerns regard the financial aspects of the project we could assemble all the Municipal submission documents and get them to Bishop Rubin for signature – as Chairman of the Trustees he has to sign all the documents.
Robin told me that it would not be possible as Rubin is leaving on his sabbatical on Tuesday – flying overseas for five weeks.

My thoughts
1. Why send a ‘delegation’ headed by a bishop to discuss two issues which we could resolve ourselves? Is there another agenda?
2. If we have to delay for two months we are not going to complete the church by the end of March 2011.
3. Is the Lord, who builds the house, closing a door?

This is SO VERY frustrating, especially as the Bishop had assured Bill and Carol that the Trustees meeting was just a rubber stamp.
I am angry that the Bishop, although he has continuously assured us that he is right behind the project and that he wants to see us get underway as soon as possible, then does not deliver.
He gave me the go-ahead to get onto the site ages ago - 19th JANUARY!!!!!! - and here we are 5 months later, still without the official 'Go'

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

16th June 2010

Psalm 139:16b reads: "All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be".
Both last night's meeting of the Parish Council and this morning's meeting of the Churchwardens and Elders, were affirmed by that Scripture. As we continually remind ourselves that "Unless the Lord builds the house .." we are aware that God has a plan for each one of us as we fit together into what makes up His Church. The amazing thing is that before we even began the church building project He already knew what we would be doing, when we would be meeting and what challenges we would be facing.
Despite the challenges we face the leadership of the parish are today feeling very positive about the future of the building project.

We have looked at the concerns expressed by the Diocesan Planning Committee and have decided that we can meet the concerns. As far as the R170,000 'loan to the Diocese' is concerned, we have agreed to leave that money where it is and use it for its stated purpose - caring for parishioners in need. This means that the shortfall of R434,689 will have to be increased by R170,000 - roughly R605,000

We are also looking how we address the concern for a 'Registered Builder' to be in charge of the project and have come up with a couple of solutions. Whatever happens, Peter Berkely will be the Clerk of Works on the site.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Monday 14th June 2010

I do apologise to the readers of this blog for the lack of information over the past week.
It has been a week of very interesting ups and downs.
The exciting news that the project has been approved by the Diocesan Planning Committee, was tempered by the letter which duly arrived from Arnie Glasspoole outlining the 'concerns' the Planning Committee have about the project.
It was interesting that, when Bill and Carol met with the Bishop, the Bishop brushed off the concerns as minor and easily resolved.

Anyway, in the spirit of transparency, here is the content of the letter -

1. Has the long-standing parishioner confirmed his/her commitment in writing to underwrite the minimum amount of R434 689.00 required to complete the initial project budget?

2. Please could you clarify what is termed “Loan to the Diocese called in for the building fund”. The Diocesan Secretary’s records show that an amount similar to that quoted under “Funds available” is invested with the Diocese and that this came in the main from an anonymous donation in 1998 “for the needy which was to be administered by the Churchwardens”. Such funds may only be released on a motivated application to the Diocesan Trustees.

3. How has the parish been able to arrange “free” submission fees with the Municipality? Has this being received in writing? The concern here being that this may result in an additional cost should the Municipality backtrack on a verbal undertaking.

The Committee expressed real concern about undertaking the project on the “owner builder” basis based on the magnitude of the project. The concerns here were centred on:

• whether there will be adequate project supervision on a voluntary basis and whether a Project Supervisor should be appointed to ensure efficient building progress?
• Do the various estimates adequately allow for or take into account the effects of inflation and any major unforeseen costs as the project develops?

Arnie's letter ends -
"The Committee fully realises the urgency with which the parish wishes to action this project and therefore asks that you give these concerns your urgent attention."

We will work on this points this week and submit our answers.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

10th June 2010

What a day!

Rejoicing in the news that the Planning Committee had given the go-ahead for the project, I phoned Arnie Glasspoole to find more on the 'concerns' that the Bishop had mentioned to Bill.

All very secretive, because the Planning Committee had asked Arnie to write the letter, but the Bishop had told Arnie not to send the letter to us, but rather send it to him so that he could check it out (because he is handling this project). The Bishop would then send us the letter.

So, what were the concerns? (off the record)

1. Robin Greenwood (Diocesan Administrator) freaked out when he saw that we were intending to with draw the loan from the Diocese and went off to investigate. It turns out that we do have money lodgesd with the Diocese, but it is not a loan. The money was an anonimous donation given to the parish for the care of the needy, and is under the direct responsibility of the churchwardens. The money has lain in an account for years gathering interest, probably because nobody knew it was there. To obtain this money for the building fund we have to hold a Vestry meeting for the congregation to agree to the funds being used for somthing other that the original intention. This resolution must be submitted to the Diocesan Trustees for their approval. IF they agree then the money can be used for the building fund.

2. The Diocese is wary of allowing 'owner/builder' projects, especially of the value of our project. The case quoted was the hall built for Phoenix. The parish started the project with great gusto and then the rector was moved to another parish. The congregation was unsettled and interest in the project fizzled out leaving the hall 80% finished. It now stands derilict some years later and the parish would dearly love to complete it, but haven't got the money.
There muust be a lesson in this ... don't move the rector when there is a building project!

3. We have only allowed a 4% contingency of R110,000. The Planning Committee feels that this is too low as prices will rise during the course of the project. The result will be that we run short of money.

4. Our financial motivation showed that the shortfall between 'cash in hand' and the building cost had been underwritten by a parishioner. The concern raised - has this undertaking been given in writing and signed by the parishioner concerned?

5. The Planning Committee are concerned that with a project of this size wwe should have a registered builder. I felt that what they are actually saying, despite our assurances that we have a professional team, is that theey are not happy witth Peter Berkeley heading up the building team. I pointed out that if we were to have a registered builder the cost of the project would shoot up to the R8.0 mark again.

Arnie expressed his concern that while we are trying to sort out these 'concerns' of the Planning Committee, the prices are going to go up and we are going to get caught having to use our contingency. (see 3 above!)

The final shot was that we has to resolve all these issues and have them documented and ready for the meeting of the Trustees next week.

This is really frustrating!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

9th June 2010

Well, today is the first of the two days we have all been waiting for.
This morning the Diocesan Planning Committee meets. I understand that they have a huge amount of work to process - each item representing the hopes and dreams of parishes in the Diocese. One can understand why it is that there is a Diocesan Planning Sub-Committee to ensure that all is in order for the main meeting.
The last time our project was presented to the Planning Committee a number of queries were raised - basically asking where was the money coming from and also asking for an explaination of our proposed building methods.
Since then we have written and re-written the motivations and as the Bishop is happy wih what we have said and done, I am sure the project will be passed by the Planning Committee.
Next step - the Diocesan Trustees for the final rubber stamp of approval (next week on the 17th)!

Monday, June 7, 2010

7th June 2010

Today we employed two young men (a third will join them tomorrow) to start the hard work of clearing the trees and high grass along the route to be taken by the electric fence. Much chopping, grunting, pulling, etc. and the piles of wood are growing. Thought that we might have a serious "Guy Fawkes" night, but maybe it would be better to get the wood gatherers to come and take away the firewood for the local informal settlement.
We have a problem with men doing a full day's work. They start at 7.00am and finish at 4.00pm, but the office is only open from 8.00 to 2.00. They men were told to leave their tools, overalls and boots inside our security fence when they finished this afternoon .... much to Rupert's delight. What self-respecting young labrador would turn up the chance of a pile of new toys? Fortunately Sarah and I got home shortly after 4.00, so he had not managed to play with all the "toys" ... just a pair of boots and a cold-drink bottle.
We are eventuaally going to have an accomodation container with porta-loos on the site for the workmen and builders, but that is still a few weeks off yet.
Right, now to Plan B!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

5th June 2010

I told Peter this morning that the waiting is killing me!
We have to wait for the Planning Committee (meeting on the 9th) to OK everything and send the motivation on to the Board of Trustees meeting on the 17th).
Deep down inside I know that the Planning Committee are already happy with our proposals and that the Trustees have already given a qualified "OK" depending on whether we can raise the funds for the building ... so it should all be plain sailing ..(click) .. plain sailing ..(click) .. plain sailing.

Now we get down to the realities - if we are about building God's house and He is the one who is building it - why am I so tense? - why can I not trust Him to bring His project to fulfilment? Must be the human, unsurrendered side of me.
I think it was Augustine that prayed "O Lord I believe, forgive my unbelief".

Thursday, June 3, 2010

3rd June 2010

Both the motivation for the way we are going to building the new church, and the financial plan were delivered onto Arnie Glasspoole's desk at 10.00 this morning.
He confirmed that he now has everything he needs for the Diocesan Planning Committee meeting and the Trustees meeting.
(The Lord has it all in hand)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

2nd June 2010

I was told this morning that an elderly man was mugged while walking past the property yesterday eveing. The muggers were youngsters who stole the old man's groceries and money.
This causes me some concern because we are running the new footpath through the trees on the edge of the property - scenic and cool, but perhaps a hangout for muggers.
Maybe we are going to have to change the positioning of the footpath to alongside the road where it will be in full view of the passing traffic.

2nd June 2010

Meant to mention yesterday ...
While we were having the finance / motivation meeting, Keith pointed out that we had not made any provision in the budget for fees for submitting the plans to the Municipality.
John phoned Angela and asked her for a rough figure - she said that she had no idea and would phone the Planning Office.
Ten minutes later she came back to tell us that, as we are a church, the submission is FREE!
WOW again!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

1st June 2010

The morning started with a call to Arnie Glasspoole to ensure that we would have all the right documents for the Diocesan Planning Committee meeting. He assured me that, as he has the plans, costs etc. all we need to do is provide a motivation for building the church in the way we intend to build it, and a financial doccument showing how we are going to pay for the project.

Later in the morning Keith, John, Peter B and Rob met to tidy up the documents for the Diocese. We agreed on the financial checks and balances to be followed during the puchasing of materials. We also agreed to open an account with one of the building suppliers.

The path is progressing well. Peter is waiting on quotes for the electric fence.