Welcome to the blog site of All Souls, Umhlali

We are an Anglican Church situated on the Dolphin Coast,
north of Durban in Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa.

We are about start building a new church
this blog will tell the story as it unfolds.

Please travel with us as a Follower and support us
your prayers and encouragement would be most welcome.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

25th June 2009

On 25th June Angela, John, Helena, Sue George and I met at Helena’s offices and began to reconstruct the Site Development Plan.
There were two major inputs from Sue –
1. The area of the wetland takes up almost a third of the bottom of the property. The aerial photographs of the site clearly show historic drainage ditches in the caneland.
This means that there can be no retirement cottages, or any other buildings, on the north east or south east corners of the property.
2. The planned widening of Sheffield Beach Road to a four-lane road means that the trees on the eastern boundary of the property will all be lost to the road reserve. Unfortunately we also have an ESCOM power line running over the eastern end of the property and that too needs a reserve.
The Site Development Plan now shows that, in case we were in any doubt, there is only one place where the church and ancillary buildings could be built!

Bishop Rubin saw the SDP on 24th June and was very happy with it.
He was impressed too with our vision for a Christian centre for the northern Dolphin Coast.

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