Welcome to the blog site of All Souls, Umhlali

We are an Anglican Church situated on the Dolphin Coast,
north of Durban in Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa.

We are about start building a new church
this blog will tell the story as it unfolds.

Please travel with us as a Follower and support us
your prayers and encouragement would be most welcome.

Monday, June 7, 2010

7th June 2010

Today we employed two young men (a third will join them tomorrow) to start the hard work of clearing the trees and high grass along the route to be taken by the electric fence. Much chopping, grunting, pulling, etc. and the piles of wood are growing. Thought that we might have a serious "Guy Fawkes" night, but maybe it would be better to get the wood gatherers to come and take away the firewood for the local informal settlement.
We have a problem with men doing a full day's work. They start at 7.00am and finish at 4.00pm, but the office is only open from 8.00 to 2.00. They men were told to leave their tools, overalls and boots inside our security fence when they finished this afternoon .... much to Rupert's delight. What self-respecting young labrador would turn up the chance of a pile of new toys? Fortunately Sarah and I got home shortly after 4.00, so he had not managed to play with all the "toys" ... just a pair of boots and a cold-drink bottle.
We are eventuaally going to have an accomodation container with porta-loos on the site for the workmen and builders, but that is still a few weeks off yet.
Right, now to Plan B!


bill said...

So the dogs really "dig" the action. The 09 06 2010 is one day away so let's stand firm in the belief that God's plans are already in place and the relevent men know the will of the Master. wait till tomorrow this time and perhaps there is reason to celebrate. FOCUS

Anonymous said...

Is Bridie still alive and when did Rupert arrive.
Fond memories when they came as frightened little Pups. Wasnt it Doogle who spent a Council Meeting snuggled up to his dad.