Welcome to the blog site of All Souls, Umhlali

We are an Anglican Church situated on the Dolphin Coast,
north of Durban in Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa.

We are about start building a new church
this blog will tell the story as it unfolds.

Please travel with us as a Follower and support us
your prayers and encouragement would be most welcome.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

16th June 2010

Psalm 139:16b reads: "All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be".
Both last night's meeting of the Parish Council and this morning's meeting of the Churchwardens and Elders, were affirmed by that Scripture. As we continually remind ourselves that "Unless the Lord builds the house .." we are aware that God has a plan for each one of us as we fit together into what makes up His Church. The amazing thing is that before we even began the church building project He already knew what we would be doing, when we would be meeting and what challenges we would be facing.
Despite the challenges we face the leadership of the parish are today feeling very positive about the future of the building project.

We have looked at the concerns expressed by the Diocesan Planning Committee and have decided that we can meet the concerns. As far as the R170,000 'loan to the Diocese' is concerned, we have agreed to leave that money where it is and use it for its stated purpose - caring for parishioners in need. This means that the shortfall of R434,689 will have to be increased by R170,000 - roughly R605,000

We are also looking how we address the concern for a 'Registered Builder' to be in charge of the project and have come up with a couple of solutions. Whatever happens, Peter Berkely will be the Clerk of Works on the site.

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